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My #pkm system in #obsidian and the flow onwards to my website use seedling, budding and evergreen markers to indicate a note’s maturity. The more content I put online, the more it starts as evergreen and I find it’s obvious if something is a seedling or not - so the marker doesn’t help much. Usually, if there is a note in progress I’ll mark it clearly as such anyway.After a few days thinking I’ve decided to remove the cognitive overhead of seedling, budding and evergreen. They add zero value to me and I would be surprised if anyone who visits my site looks at them with more than a care factor of zero.Extending the digital garden metaphor further, I have organised content loosely into "landscapes" these too are becoming crowded and of little value. I would prefer working towards a carefully curated and crafted series of maps of contents. I expect landscapes will disappear as well.Finally, I’m going to consider my "digital garden" a "thought garden". I’m growing thoughts and ideas, not digitals.https://quantumgardener.info

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