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NFS (Network File System) is a fantastic way to share files between Linux and UNIX machines. In this video, Jay walks you through the process of setting up an NFS server on Ubuntu, complete with a walkthrough on mounting the exports. Check out the...
Proxmox Virtual Environment is an awesome virtualization solution. Kubernetes is an awesome containerization solution. So why not combine those great technologies? That’s exactly what we’ll do in this tutorial.
It’s time to install Nextcloud! Nextcloud is the best platform for building your very own self-hosted collaboration and file sync platform, and we’ll set it up from scratch during this tutorial!
Are you a Linux user and/or administrator? These 10 terminal tricks will show you some new and exciting ways you can enhance your workflow, shorten longer tasks, and even have a little fun along the way.
Ubuntu 22.10 is here, and with it comes the full GNOME 43 experience. In this video, the October 2022 release of Ubuntu is reviewed, which will include some of the new features, and final thoughts as well.
Fedora 37 was released in November of 2022, and with it comes Linux kernel 6.0 as well as GNOME 43. In this video, Jay will give you his thoughts on this release. Is Fedora 37 worth checking out?