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From today, in addition to my work at Small Technology Foundation, I’ll be working with Stately on developer and designer relations as a contractor. The pandemic has made finances tighter at Small Technology Foundation as we’d usually support our work with in-person conference talks which would pay speaking fees. We were already thrifty with our income, but we’ve still got a way to go before the Small Web is financially self-sustaining. With that in mind, I decided to look for suitable additional work that would allow us to keep Small Technology Foundation running and give Aral the space to keep doing the intensive research and development required for Small Tech. Stately is a good match because they’re working on tools I’d want to use myself, I get to use the full range of skills and experience I’ve developed over my last twelve years in tech, and I’ll have the time to keep things at Small Technology Foundation ticking over. It’s going to be an adventure! Read the original post, ‘Working with Stately’.