Earlier this week a case study of Small Technology Foundation went up on the Scotland’s First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls website. I was asked to share our work as part of their digital Spotlight on Women and Girls in Digital Spaces and Industries.
The audience for their site, and the case study structure, made me really think about how to communicate what we do at Small Technology Foundation. I aimed for plain English and clarity, and I think it resulted in a nice summary of our work over the last seven years. If you’re interested, you can read the case study on the NACWG website.
Small is Beautiful
Writing the case study also made me realise that I’ve not mentioned Small is Beautiful on my blog yet. Small Is Beautiful is a monthly livestream hosted by Aral and me. We usually have guests (sometimes not) to discuss their projects and work that is in, or adjacent to, Small Tech. The livestream is around an hour long, and we have an open studio where anyone watching can join to ask questions, either on or off camera. Afterwards, the livestreams are available as videos on the Small Tech website, complete with transcripts and captions.
Next week is our 10th edition, and if you’re interested in livestreaming and making videos without Big Tech, you’ll really want to join this one. We’ll have more information about it tomorrow on the Small is Beautiful page.
Read the original post, ‘Small Technology Foundation as a NACWG Case Study’.