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Sorry, your browser doesn’t support embedded videos. But that doesn’t mean you can’t watch it! You can download Small Is Beautiful #27 directly, and watch it with your favourite video player. Small Is Beautiful (Feb, 2023): End-to-end encrypted Kitten Chat (an example peer-to-peer Small Web app using Kitten. Follow the tutorial to build it yourself from scratch or browse the source code). In this hour-and-a-half long Small is Beautiful live stream recording, I show you how WebSockets, project-specific secrets, and authenticated routes work in Kitten and migrate a centralised WebSocket chat application to an end-to-end-encrypted peer-to-peer Small Web chat application in Kitten. The example also makes use of the native support for htmx and Alpine.js in Kitten. You can follow Small is Beautiful from the fediverse (we stream it using our own Owncast instance) to be notified of future streams. (Hint: you can install Owncast using Site.js.) Transcript Auto-generated transcript from the captions. Links to other things mentioned or shown during the stream: Kitten Domain Black Box Terminal Lipstick on a Pig Helix Editor lf WebSocket Weasel RESTED SkipTo Landmarks & Headings Open Switcher Control Streamed using our own Owncast instance. (Hint: you can install Owncast using Site.js.) If you like this livestream, please help support out work at Small Technology Foundation with a patronage or donation, or share our videos with your friends! Like this? Fund us! Small Technology Foundation is a tiny, independent not-for-profit. We exist in part thanks to patronage by people like you. If you share our vision and want to support our work, please become a patron or donate to us today and help us continue to exist.
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