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thank you Brooks https://www.instagram.com/brooksrunning https://www.brooksrunning.com/en_us/mens/shoes/road-running-shoes/glycerin-max/tid=inf:yt:mega:targeted:Pm1x:USA:CaseyNeistat Roberto https://mandjecoaching.com/ Music - Ketxl https://www.ketxl.com https://www.instagram.com/ketxl https://www.twitter.com/ketxl https://www.soundcloud.com/ketxl
first song http://www.davidcuttermusic.com second song https://www.youtube.com/pondermusic
music - https://soundcloud.com/prodbyponder
if you wanna run fast - https://robertomandje.com/ please check out my dear friend Mislav’s work. he made all fo the animations in this video https://www.youtube.com/@mislavmironovic MUSIC - Dopamoon - Shabam ft. Kumisolo https://alterk.lnk.to/Shabam French 79 - Memories https://alterk.lnk.to/TEENAGERS Les Gordon - Pyromaniac https://alterk.lnk.to/LesGordonNuances Nasser - Ghost Radio https://alterk.lnk.to/NasserTheOutcome other tracks used licensed through Lickd SUPER TALENTED CINEMATOGRAPHERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS THAT HELPED FILM; https://www.instagram.com/pacephoto https://youtube.com/@alexandrei https://www.instagram.com/qfulm https://www.instagram.com/trevturk
WATCH JORDANS NEW VIDEO - https://youtu.be/vwphS4GTHYQ?si=Kl8qsyS9PGF09ISl music by https://www.gurtybeats.com/
If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click https://betterhelp.com/neistat for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs.
watch the actual commercial - https://youtu.be/LvJcxA3jpJI?si=_J3D_00jmZeCurd9 music by Jeff Kaale - https://linktr.ee/jeffkaale_
Insta360 Go 3 (use my affiliate link!) https://www.insta360.com/sal/go-3?insrc=INR9A3R music https://www.prodbyponder.com/


Casey Owen Neistat (;: 0:27  born March 25, 1981) is an American YouTube personality, filmmaker, vlogger and co-founder of the multimedia company Beme, which was later acquired by CNN. In 2018, he founded 368, a creative space for creators to collaborate with each other.

Source : Wikipedia

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